Welcome to the Crown Crates page for ESO (Elder Scrolls Online). Please note that Crown Crates change with the seasons. Sometimes older Crown Crate seasons in ESO are available again for a short duration during sales.
Crown Crates are available for purchase through the Crown Store. Once purchased, a crate can be opened from the Crown Crates menu. Each Crown Crate grants you four rewards or if you're lucky, five! Rewards draw from a range of cosmetic and convenience items, some common, some quite rare. You can buy the following bundles of Crown Crates:
- 15 Crown Crates - 5000 Crowns
- 4 Crown Crates - 1500 Crowns
- 1 Crown Crate - 400 Crowns
Below are listed the guidelines for Crown Crate reward groups and their percentage chances. Note: You are guaranteed at least four rewards per purchased Crown Crate. The percentages below are taken directly from the ingame help section, except the Radiant Apex Rewards, no official number exists for these rewards.
- 98% Common Rewards
- 72% Fine Rewards
- 86% Superior Rewards
- 21% Epic Rewards
- 14% Legendary Rewards
- 2% Apex Rewards
- ?% Radiant Apex Rewards (Approximately 0.2% from community data)
You can also earn Seals of Endeavors from ingame activities to purchase Crown Crate items instead of Crowns.
Temporadas de la Caja de la Corona
What Happens If You Get Duplicate Items From Crown Crates In ESO?
If you obtain a duplicate item that you already own in the Crown Crates in ESO (The Elder Scrolls Online), then you will simply get rewarded with crown gems instead.
Duplicate Item Gems Amount:
- 132 Gems for Apex Rewards (Except Resplendent Sweetroll, which gives 400 Gems).
- 33 Gems for Legendary Rewards
- 13 Gems for Epic Rewards
- 5 Gems for Superior Rewards
- 1 Gem for Fine Rewards
- 1 gem for Common Rewards
Crown Crates and Seals of Endeavors in ESO
Below you can see an image of the Crown Crates and the Seals of Endeavor section ingame where you can purchase Crown Crate items with seals instead of gems.
Crown Gems in ESO
If you receive a collectible reward you already own, you will be awarded Crown Gems in its place. These can be used to purchase specific Crown Crate rewards from within the Crown Crates section of the Crown Store.
Crown Crate Reward Odds
When you open a purchased Crown Crate in The Elder Scrolls Online, you have a chance to receive items from several unique reward groups.
- 98% Common Rewards
- 72% Fine Rewards
- 86% Superior Rewards
- 21% Epic Rewards
- 14% Legendary Rewards
- 2% Apex Rewards
- ?% Radiant Apex Rewards (Approximately 0.2% from community data)
- You are guaranteed at least one Superior reward or better
- Some Crown Crates contain radiant versions of Apex rewards
- Some Crown Crates contain rare rewards that have special qualities.
- On some rewards, chances improve with each successive missed roll and resets once you receive the rewards.
- You can purchase most rewards in the in-game Crown Store with gems. You can acquire Gems by extracting them from unwanted Crown Crate rewards. This also happens automatically when you receive a Crown Crate collectible you already own.