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Monturstil: Grothdarr - ESO

Grothdarr is an outfit style, included items are bow, mace, mask, maul, shield, staff and shoulder.

Standort: The Grothdarr mask can be obtained by completing veteran mode "Vaults of Madness" dungeon, the shoulder can be obtained from the Undaunted pledges rewards. The Grothdarr weapon styles can be purchased in the Crown Store (limited time only).
Grothdarr is part of the Vaults of Madnessdungeon, which is part of the base game in ESO and can be found in the Coldharbour zone.
Bogen von Grothdarr icon Bogen von Grothdarr
Grothdarr-Keule icon Grothdarr-Keule
Grothdarr-Schild icon Grothdarr-Schild
Grothdarr-Streitkolben icon Grothdarr-Streitkolben
Grothdarrs Maske icon Grothdarrs Maske
Grothdarrs Schultern icon Grothdarrs Schultern
Stab von Grothdarr icon Stab von Grothdarr

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