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Precursor Maker Achievement Guide ESO


Welcome to the Precursor Maker Achievement Guide for ESO (Elder Scrolls Online). This Precursor Maker Achievement Guide for ESO will help you complete all the steps you need to get a Precursor Target Dummy, your very own target dummy that you can place once in any house. In order to complete this Precursor Maker Achievement Guide for ESO you need access to the Clockwork City zone, that means you will need to have either the Clockwork City DLC or ESO Plus.
If you want more Precursors you can do the quest again without having to complete the Quest steps mentioned in this Precursor Maker Achievement Guide.


In order to complete the last step of this Precursor Maker Achievement Guide for ESO you need to progress in the main story quest for the Clockwork City zone up tp the point "Observe the Knight of Marrow's Recitation". (Main Story Questline you need to do: To the Clockwork City, In Search of a Sponsor, The Strangeness of Seht, Deepening Shadows, Lost in the Gloam)


You will start with teleporting to the Clockwork City and from there you will need to start the main story quest in order to be able to enter the Brass Fortress. From there it would be advisable to turn to the bulletin board first and do the first quest part, before you continue with the main story. All the Precursor parts you can find in Tamriel, without needing any other DLC or ESO Plus access.

In order to be able to get this Precursor, you need to finish a quest called "The Precursor". You can find this quest in the Clockwork City in the north of the Brass Fortress. There, at the bulletin board, you will be able to pick it up and then continue on your quest.
Clockwork City north in the Brass Fortress Bulletin Board for Precursor Maker Achievement in ESOClockwork City north in the Brass Fortress Bulletin Board quest textfor Precursor Maker Achievement in ESO
After you have picked up this quest, you will have to locate the Associate Zanon in his workshop in the Reactor District of the Brass Fortress in the Clockwork City in ESO.
Map location for Associate Zanon in Clockwork City in ESO
Associate Zanon for Precursor Maker Achievement in ESO

He will send you to collect a total of 15 parts for a Factotum, the first one you will be able to find through a quest. If you follow this Precursor Maker Achievement Guide you will be able to collect all the items to complete your Precursor!
Map location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESO
Map location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESOPrecursor piece for Precursor Maker Achievement in ESO

When you have returned, the Precursor will start to slowly take shape.
Precursor head for Precursor Maker Achievement in ESO


As a reward you will receive the Precursor, your own target dummy for your home. You will receive it once, so for each new Precursor target dummy you will need to collect all the items again, but you won't
Finished Precursor in ESO
1) Construct's Right Leg
Alik'r Desert
2) Construct's Chestplate
Alik'r Desert
3) Construct's Left Arm
Alik'r Desert
4) Construct's Pelvis
Lower Bthanual
5) Construct's Nullification Staff
6) Construct's Right Hand
7) Construct's Right Arm
8) Construct's Left Leg
The Rift
9) Construct's Spine
10) Construct's Left Hand
Inner Sea Armature
11) Dynamo Core (Miniaturized Dynamo)
Stros M'kai
12) Integral of Introspection
Clockwork City
Ventral Terminus
13) Integral of Calculus
Clockwork City
Mechanical Fundament – Brass Fortress
14) Integral of Reason
Clockwork City
Machine District – Brass Fortress

Alik'r Desert

Map location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESO
1) Construct's Right Leg – SantakiMap location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESOPrecursor piece for Precursor Maker Achievement in ESO
2) Construct's Chestplate – AldunzMap location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESOPrecursor piece for Precursor Maker Achievement in ESO
3) Construct's Left Arm – YldzuunMap location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESOPrecursor piece for Precursor Maker Achievement in ESO


Map location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESO
4) Construct's Pelvis – Lower Bthanual
Map location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESOPrecursor piece for Precursor Maker Achievement in ESO
5) Construct's Nullification Staff – BthanualMap location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESOPrecursor piece for Precursor Maker Achievement in ESO
6) Construct's Right Hand – MzithumzMap location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESOPrecursor piece for Precursor Maker Achievement in ESO


Map location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESO
7) Construct's Right Arm - KhlathzgarMap location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESOPrecursor piece for Precursor Maker Achievement in ESO

The Rift

Map location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESO
8) Construct's Left Leg – AvanchnzelMap location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESOPrecursor piece for Precursor Maker Achievement in ESO


Map location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESO
9 Construct's Spine – Mzulft
Map location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESOPrecursor piece for Precursor Maker Achievement in ESO


Map location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESO

10) Construct's Left Hand – Inner Sea Armature
Map location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESOPrecursor piece for Precursor Maker Achievement in ESO
2 Construct's Chestplate – Aldunz

3 Construct's Left Arm – Yldzuun

Stros M'kai

Map location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESO
11) Dynamo Core (Miniaturized Dynamo) – Bthzark
Map location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESOPrecursor piece for Precursor Maker Achievement in ESO

Clockwork City

Map location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESO
12) Integral of Introspection – Ventral Terminus
Map location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESOPrecursor piece for Precursor Maker Achievement in ESO

Clockwork City

13) Integral of Reason – Machine District – Brass Fortress
Map location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESO

Map location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESO
Jump down here and follow up to this wall on the left, then jump on it and walk overMap location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESOPrecursor piece for Precursor Maker Achievement in ESO
On the right of the platform you can find the last pieceMap location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESOPrecursor piece for Precursor Maker Achievement in ESO

Clockwork City

14) Integral of Calculus – Mechanical Fundament – Brass Fortress

You have to follow the path up the ramp and enter the wall before you can reach this. This is also the reason why you need to do the main story quest up to a specific point, otherwise you can't enter
Map location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESO
You have to follow all the way up to this point where you can go down into the pit and then go back down to where the last piecde is. It is inside a nest-like looking piece of scrap metal
Map location for Precursor Maker Achievement in Clockwork City in ESOPrecursor piece for Precursor Maker Achievement in ESO

We hope you enjoyed this Precursor Maker Achievement Guide for ESO and remember, you can repeat the collecting of the Precursor to make more Precursors without having to do the main story quest first!

Succès liés à ce guide

Nom Description
Constructeur précurseur icon

Constructeur précurseur

Récupérer et installer toutes les pièces nécessaires pour reconstruire le factotum précurseur.



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