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Zone Dailies List for ESO - Zone Daily Elder Scrolls Online


Western Skyrim Dailies

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In this part of the Zone Dailies Guide we are going to take a look at all the Western Skyrim dailies that you can complete to earn rewards in the Elder Scrolls Online.

In Western Skyrim you can earn the following special reward:

  • Blackreach Vanguard Motif (Skyrim Daily Reward Coffer)

Daily Delve

Daily Delve (Blue): Various Objectives in the six Western Skyrim Delves

Prerequisite Quests: Soldiers of Fortune and Glory
Questgiver: Tinzen (Solitude, Map 1)
Special Reward: Blackreach Vanguard Motif (Skyrim Daily Reward Coffer)

1Dwemer Disassembly (The Scraps)Skyrim Daily Reward Coffer
2Precious Bark (Shadowgreen)Skyrim Daily Reward Coffer
3The Preservation of Life (Dragonhome)Skyrim Daily Reward Coffer
4The Strength of Giants (Frozen Coast)Skyrim Daily Reward Coffer
5Spiritual Release (Midnight Barrow)Skyrim Daily Reward Coffer
6A Trail Gone Cold (Chillwind Depths)Skyrim Daily Reward Coffer

Daily World Boss

Daily World Boss (Red): Kill one of the six Western Skyrim World Bosses

Prerequisite Quests: Soldiers of Fortune and Glory
Questgiver: Hidaver (Solitude, Map 1)
Special Reward: Blackreach Vanguard Motif (Skyrim Daily Reward Coffer)

1Circle of Cheaters (Circle of Champions)Skyrim Daily Reward Coffer
2Feasting in the Dark (Vampire Feeding Grounds)Skyrim Daily Reward Coffer
3Lost Along the Shore (Ysmgar's Beach)Skyrim Daily Reward Coffer
4Moonlight Kidnapping (Hordrek's Hounting Grounds)Skyrim Daily Reward Coffer
5Mother of Shadows (Shademother's Haven)Skyrim Daily Reward Coffer
6Problem Growth (Colossus Charging Station)Skyrim Daily Reward Coffer

Daily Harrowstorm

Daily Harrowstorm (Yellow): Disrupt any Harrowstorm in Western Skyrim or Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns

Prerequisite Quests: Soldiers of Fortune and Glory
Questgiver: Swordthane Jylta (Solitude, Map 1)
Special Reward: Blackreach Vanguard Motif (Skyrim Daily Reward Coffer)

Western Skyrim Dailies Maps

The maps below showcase the quest starter location as well as where you have to go to complete the daily.

Western Skyrim dailies Solitude Town
Western Skyrim Solitude Map 1

Blackreach Greymoor Caverns Map 2Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns Map 2

Western Skyrim Dailies Western Skyrim Zone Dailies Map 3


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