You can customize almost everything! When using the Outfit Station, you can change the appearance of the following item slots: Helmets, Chests, Shoulders, Hands, Waist, Legs, Feet, Primary Weapon(s), and Secondary Weapon(s). Note that in order to customize your second weapon set, you should use the weapon swap toggle option. You customize your Outfit a little like equipping gear. To customize a specific gear slot, select the slot from under the Armor Styles or Weapon Styles categories to see all of your available options. As you select options for different slots, you'll see how they'll look on your character. Note that you are not actually modifying your items, but overriding the appearance of each individual slot.
To help you manage all your available options, you can use the filters to only show Light, Medium, or Heavy items, and you can toggle Show Locked on or off to view or hide styles you don't currently own. You can also use the Filter By option to filter by specific keywords. When customizing your character, you are able to preview any of the different Outfit Styles, but you won't be able to apply them if you don't own them first. Once you're happy with all the different options, select Apply Changes to save your Outfit.
Each unique slot has a specific gold cost to customize based on two key factors:- The size of the slot itself (for example, a new style for your chest slot costs more than hands)
- The rarity of the style you're applying to the slot (for example, it might cost more to apply the Telvanni style than the basic Dark Elf style)
- Whether or not you're also dying the Outfit slot
Gold costs per slot can then range between hundreds or thousands of gold.
When browsing different styles for different slots, you can see the Application Cost in the item tooltip, and once applied, you can see the total cost to Apply Changes at the bottom of the Outfit Station window. As an alternative to gold, you can buy Outfit Change Tokens from the Crown Store. A single Outfit Change Token covers the cost of an entire Outfit change (not a single slot), regardless of the slots you're customizing or the rarity of the styles you're applying. If you're using an Outfit Change Token, be sure to make the most out of it! You can find Outfit Change Tokens under the Outfit Tokens category within the Crown Store Crafting section.
Styles don't even need to match the item! For the most part, you can customize your appearance regardless of the type of item you are wearing. For example, this means you can make your heavy gear look like it is light, or your sword look like an axe. However, there is one restriction: you cannot make a weapon or gear type look like another. You can't make your bow look like a two-handed sword, and you can't – as hilarious as it would be – make your helm look like a boot!