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ESO Chronological Timeline Guide - Best Way to Play the Story



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After you have come so far, and Stuga has probably asked you many times to help her, now is the time to eventually answer the question of how long she actually has been looking for you!
Stuga which introduces you to the Orsinium questline in ESO
Go find Stuga in any of the first starter cities of any alliance and pick her quest. She will give you a personalized invitation. It will ask you to escort a caravan on their way back to Orsinium. By doing so you will find yourself in Wrothgar.

This is the first entirely story based, non-PVP area, which was released as a story and exploration hub as a DLC. You will get to know the Orcs of Tamriel very up close and meet their leader. You will also meet NPCs here which you will meet much later again, just like before, but they might or might not play an even bigger role than before.

Wrothgar in ESO



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