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Where to Find Shalidor's Library Books (Lorebooks) for the Mora's Whispers Mythic in ESO


One of the new Mythic Items in the High Isle Chapter is Mora's Whispers, and it gives you extra ciritical chance, inspiration, alliance rank progress and monster kill experience. However, the bonus scales up based on how many books you have collected from Shalidor's Library. 

It's not made too clear exactly what Shalidor's Library is or where to find it, so this guide is intended as a simple explanation of what exactly Shalidor's Library is, and how you can find the books needed to complete it and get the most out of the Mora's Whispers mythic item in the Elder Scrolls Online. 

Mages Guild in ESO (Elder Scrolls Online)Mages Guild in ESO (Elder Scrolls Online)

What is Shalidor's Library in ESO?

Shalidor's Library actually refers to the Mages Guild Lorebooks. You may be familiar with them for another reason - you have to collect them in order to level up your Mages Guild skill line. They emit a blue glow in the world which makes them easier to identify. 

A lesser known fact about them is that when you collect one, it goes into Shalidor's Library, a collection accessible in the game's UI. To find Shalidor's Library, enter your Quest Journal, and then navigate to the Lore Library tab. Scroll down to the bottom and you will find Shalidor's Library. This basically shows you the different categories of Lorebooks and shows you which ones you have collected, and how many are left to find. You can also use this menu to read any Lorebooks that you have previously found.

How to find Lorebooks for Shalidor's Library in ESO?

This process is quite a bit easier on PC because you can make use of addons to help you find them. For example, you can install the LoreBooks addon along with its required libraries (listed on the linked page) to plot all Lorebooks on the in-game map. The addon is also smart enough to only show Lorebooks that you have not already collected on your current character, This significantly speeds up the process of finding the Lorebooks as you can easily see where they are and run around each zone to pick them up. You can streamline the process even more by using something like Minimap by Fyrakin so you can see nearby Lorebooks without needing to open the map. 

A Lorebook in ESO (Elder Scrolls Online)A Lorebook in ESO (Elder Scrolls Online)On console however it's a bit more tricky as you can't use addons. Luckily, our Interactive Map has all of the locations for lorebooks in all ESO zones. The map is specifically designed to be mobile friendly, so you should be able to easily use the map as a guide on your mobile browser while playing ESO on your console. You can find the map using this link, or via the ESO Hub home page.

We hope you found this guide about Shalidor's Library useful. ESO (The Elder Scrolls Online) is a massively multiplayer online game (MMO) developed by Zenimax Online Studios.


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