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Enchanting Crafting Guide - Elder Scrolls Online


Enchanting Crafting Writ Dailies

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In this guide we are going to learn how to get access to Enchanting Crafting Writ Dailies. The Crafting Writ Dailies are important because they allow you to gain a big amount of reagents every day, almost for free.

How do I get certified?

Certification Location
Aldmeri DominionAuridonVulkhel GuardMage's GuildDanel Telleno
Daggerfall CovenantGlenumbraDaggerfallMage's GuildDanel Telleno
Ebonheart PactStonefallsDavon's WatchMage's GuildDanel Telleno

Walkthrough Quest

1. Talk to Danel Telleno
2. Acquire a Potency, Essence and an Aspect Rune
3. Meet Danel Telleno at the Enchanting Station
4. Craft a Trifling Glyph of Health
5. Return to Danel Telleno

  • If you are already experienced in Enchanting you can get instantly certified without doing the quest.
  • You can only have one certification active at a time.

Danel Telleno Crafting Writ Certification Enchanting Guide ESODanel Telleno

Alliance Location

Aldmeri Dominion

In the Aldmeri Dominion faction you will have to visit Vulkhel Guard which is located in the Auridion zone.

Vulkhel Guard Location Enchanting Certification ESOVulkhel Guard Location

Daggerfall Covenant

In the Daggerfall Covenant faction you will have to visit Daggerfall which is located in the Glenumbra zone.

Daggerfall Location Enchanting Certification ESODaggerfall Location

Ebonheart Pact

In the Ebonheart Pact faction you will have to visit Davon's Watch which is located in the Stonefalls zone.

Davons Watch Location Enchanting Certification ESODavon's Watch Location

Crafting Writs Quest

Every town has a pick up location for the writs. There are two different boards, one for consumables and one for equipment.

  • Consumables = Enchanting, Alchemy, Provisioning
  • Equipment = Blacksmithing,Clothing, Woodworking, Jewelry Crafting

Consumables Crafting Writs Board Enchanting Guide ESOConsumables Crafting Writs

Once you pick up the quest, you can proceed to complete the task and then drop the finished crafting writ at the drop location on the map.

Crafting Writs Drop Location Enchanting Guide ESOWrits Drop Location

Writ Tips

If you are on PC you can also download the popular addon called Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter that will automate most of the process.

Automatically Crafts gear on the crafting station:
  • Blacksmithing
  • Woodworking
  • Clothing
  • Enchanting
  • Jewelry

Withdraw from Bank, pre-create things and put them into the bank, the addon will detect it and auto-withdraw for the quest:
  • Provisioning
  • Alchemy



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