ESO Lost Treasures of Skyrim Event Guide
ESO Lost Treasures of Skyrim Event Guide
Updated: 10/10/2022
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The Lost Treasures of Skyrim event begins Wednesday, September 23 at 10:00AM EDT, and will run until October 5 at 10:00AM EDT. During the event period, you can earn bonus rewards for completing Western Skyrim daily quests and unlock unique collectibles for all Greymoor players with the Antiquities system.
- Western Skyrim Daily Quests
- Antiquities
Community Rewards!
During the Lost Treasures of Skyrim event, you can earn unique collectibles for ALL Greymoor players by digging up antiquities throughout the entirety of Tamriel. As you and your fellow players seek out, excavate, and discover Tamriel's hidden histories, you'll slowly unlock up to three tiers of rewards:
- Tier 1: Horror Within Face and Body Markings
- Tier 2: Orchidfall Vale Fawn Pet
- Tier 3: Antiquarian's Alpine Gallery home
- Tier 3: Antiquarian Phedre Houseguest (This is the first Houseguest ever introduced to ESO)
To check the community's overall progress and see which rewards players have unlocked so far, visit the Lost Treasures of Skyrim page and review the meter. The meter will be updated based on the community's progress. The faster you dig, the faster the reward will be unlocked, tell your friends!
After the community has unlocked all three rewards (or the time runs out), all Greymoor players can claim the unlocked items from the in-game Crown Store for free.
Note that only players who own the Greymoor Chapter can claim the rewards.
Lost Treasures
As you explore, quest, and battle throughout Western Skyrim during the Lost Treasures of Skyrim event, you'll also have the opportunity to earn bonus rewards and new collectibles.
For starters, all Western Skyrim resource nodes will provide double rewards (not including fishing holes or crafting materials obtained from monsters). Also, all Western Skyrim world bosses, delve bosses, and Kyne's Aegis trial bosses will have a chance to drop additional loot when defeated, and all Western Skyrim daily quests will award double reward boxes when completed.
- Double rewards for resource nodes
- Additional loot from world bosses, delve bosses and Kyne's Aegis trial bosses
- Double reward boxes for Western Skyrim daily quests
In addition to these, the first time you complete a Western Skyrim daily quest each day, you'll receive a Bulging Box of Gray Host Pillage reward box. These well-stuffed containers have a chance to hold the following items:
- Crafting materials
- Valuables to be sold to vendors
- Style items for the Blackreach Vanguard or Gray Host styles
- Zone set items
- Treasure maps and survey reports
- Chaurus Eggs, Vile Coagulant, or Crimson Nirnroot
- Blackreach Vanguard Motif Chapter
- Greymoor Motif Chapter
- NEW Sovngarde Style pages
- Greymoor furnishing recipes
Once you've earned your Bulging Box each day, you will then have a chance to earn regular Boxes of Gray Host Pillage from subsequent daily quests or by completing various activities around Western Skyrim or Blackreach (such as defeating delve and world bosses, completing Harrowstorms, opening chests, and much more).
- Bulging Box of Gray Host Pillage (Rewarded once a day)
- Regular Box of Gray Host Pillage (repeatable)
While a regular Box of Gray Host Pillage might not contain as many rewards as a Bulging one, they still have a chance to hold any of the above items, including the Sovngarde style pages, so keep adventuring!
Impresario & Event Tickets
To earn Event Tickets during the Lost Treasures of Skyrim event, simply turn in either a Western Skyrim daily quest or a Kyne's Aegis weekly quest—you'll receive three Event Tickets for doing so each day of the event.
The Impresario will stock the following goods during the event:
- All four Indrik Feathers (to get a Nascent Indrik)
- Mossheart Berries of Bloom, Budding, Growth, and Ripeness
- All you need to evolve your Nascent Indrik into a Mossheart Indrik!
- Group repair kits
- Sapling Indrik pet
- Sovngarde Style pages (bound to your character on purchase)
Dig up Tamriel Together
Explore Western Skyrim, complete quests, and acquire ancient relics of a bygone age during the Lost Treasures of Skyrim event and you'll earn bonus rewards and unlock prizes for all Greymoor players. Don't forget to check the community's progress on the tracking page —get digging!
This event is part of our massive end-of-year promotion, Tamriel Together, so be sure to keep an eye on the official social channels at @TESOnline, Instagram, or Facebook for more information on how you can create a community and win amazing in-game prizes.
Community Reward Showcase
A quick showcase on the three special community rewards that can be unlocked.
- 33% - Horror Within Markings
- 66% - Orchidfall Vale Fawn Pet
- 100% - Antiquarian's Alpine Gallery + Houseguest Antiquarian Phedre
Reward 1
Horror Within Markings (unlocked at 33%)
Reward 2
Orchidfall Vale Fawn Pet (unlocked at 66%)
Reward 3
Antiquarian's Alpine Gallery + Houseguest Antiquarian Phedre (unlocked at 100%)
Даты прошедших событий
- С сайта: сен 23-го 2020, На: окт 5-го 2020