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Daedric War Celebration Event Guide for ESO

Daedric War Celebration Event Guide for ESO

Updated: 01/01/2024
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  • Requirement: To participate in this event you need either ESO Plus, Morrowind DLC, Summerset DLC or the Clockwork City DLC.
  • Start Quest: You can pick up the "Guidance for Guides" quest in the Crown Store or from the Event NPC Calonir which is located close to the Impresario tent.

Welcome to the Daedric War Celebration Event Guide for ESO (Elder Scrolls Online). Return once more to the Vvardenfell zone, the Clockwork City zone and the Summerset zone for the Daedric War Celebration Event in ESO (Elder Scrolls Online). This event combines the Morrowind, Clockwork City and the Summerset event into one big event.
Map Overview Daedric Celebration Event Guide ESO
Event Map Location

How to earn Rewards during the Daedric War Celebration Event in ESO?

Your first daily will award you with a box of Glorious Daedric War Spoils. The glorious box contains treasures with a higher chance of valuable items. After you have received your Glorious Daedric War Spoils box you will then earn normal Daedric War Spoils boxes with a smaller chance of valuable treasures.

Daedric war Spoils Boxes can drop from the following activities:
  • Introductory Quest
  • Slaying Delve and World bosses
  • Slaying Monsters
  • Opening Treasure Chests, Safeboxes, lootable objects, Psijic Portals, Thieves Troves, and harvest nodes
  • Closing Abyssal Geysers
  • Slaying bosses within the Halls of Fabrication, Asylum Sanctorum, and Cloudrest Trials

The "Daedric War Spoils Boxes" can contain:

Thetys Ramarys's Bait Kit Memento in ESOThetys Ramarys's Bait Kit Memento

Slag Town Diver Skin in ESO for the Daedric War Celebration EventSlag Town Diver Skin

In addition, the Doctrine Ordinator armor style pages are available as potential drops from Vvardenfell and Clockwork City public dungeon bosses and world bosses. The final bosses in the trial Asylum Sanctorium and Halls of Fabrication have a guaranteed chance to drop the style pages after you killed them.

And there is more:

How to get Event Tickets during the Daedric War Celebration Event in ESO?

By completing your first daily quest in Vvardenfell or Clockwork City you will gain 1 event ticket. In addition, the first daily quest in Summerset will award you another 1 event ticket. Therefore you can earn 2 event tickets per day. Some of the dailies require pre-requesit quests, all explained in the dailies guide linked below.

You can earn a total of 26 Event Tickets during the Daedric War Celebration Event in ESO (Elder Scrolls Online).

What will the Impresario in ESO offer during the Daedric War Celebration Event?

The Impresario in ESO will offer fragments for the new base morphing collectible in 2022, the Soulfire Dragon Illusion pet. The three fragments cost 5 event tickets each and once you combine all of them you will be awarded with the pet. The first fragment for the Scales of Akatosh skin is also available for 10 event tickets.

Daedric War Celebration Item Showcases

Below you can find a quick showcase of several of the items that you can obtain during the Daedric War Celebration Event in ESO.

Gloam Gryphon Fledgling Pet

The Gloam Gryphon Fledgling pet can be obtained at the Impresario Event Merchant.

Gloam Gryphon Fledgling Pet Deadric war Celebration Event ESOGloam Gryphon Fledgling

Soulfire Dragon Illusion Pet

The Soulfire Dragon Illusion pet is one of the new collectibles for 2022.

Soulfire Dragon illusion pet Daedric War Celebration Event ESOSoulfire Dragon illusion Pet

Scales of Akatosh Skin

The first fragment for the Scales of Akatosh slkin will be available during the Daedric War Celebration Event in ESO.

Scales of Akatosh Skin for ESOScales of Akatosh Skin

Thetys Ramarys's Bait Kit Memento Showcase

Video of the Thetys Ramarys's Bait Kit memento that you can obtain during the Daedric War Celebration Event in ESO (Elder Scrolls Online).

Microtized Verminous Fabricant Pet

The Microtized Verminous Fabricant can be obtained through fragments which drop from the Daedric War Spoils boxes during the event.

Evergloam Champion Weapon Style

The Evergloam Champion weapon style pages can be obtained from Daedric War Spoil boxes which drop during the event.

Doctrine Ordinator Outfit Style

The Doctrine Ordinator armor style pages which drops from Vvardenfell and Clockwork City public dungeon bosses and world bosses. The final bosses in the trial Asylum Sanctorium and Halls of Fabrication have a guaranteed chance to drop the style pages after you killed them.

Doctrine Ordinator Outfit Style for ESODoctrine Ordinator Style

Даты прошедших событий

  • С сайта: янв 20-го 2022, На: фев 1-го 2022

Стили нарядов и мотивы

Icon icon Morag Tong Learned from the Morag Tong Crafting Style, acquired by completing Hall of Justice daily quests in Vvardenfell.
Icon icon Ashlander The Ashlander style can be obtained by completing Ashlander daily quests in Vvardenfell.
Icon icon Apostle The Apostle style can be obtained by completing Brass Fortress daily quests in the Clockwork City.
Icon icon Ebonshadow The Ebonshadow style can be obtained by completing Blackfeather Court daily quests in the Clockwork City.
Icon icon Sapiarch Part of the Sapiarch Style, acquired from daily contracts to assist the Office of Divine Prosecution in Summerset Isle.
Icon icon Doctrine Ordinator Armor pages can be obtained during the Tribunal Celebration Event, Weapons can be purchased in the Crown Store (limited time only).